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the studio

At Inlinea, design is designed to create emotions through environments. At the limit of physical barriers, which we call walls, there is life, there is being, there is living, there is art, in short, there is an intention.


We design with awareness of space, function and harmony for good living. By reading the surroundings, in order to value it and make it the sum of the many things, which all together, we call our Home, our Business, or building, where people live, inhabit, do business or simply are.


It is on this intention that we inspired the design.


Welcome to our atelier, for you.


Inlinea Home

Project for your Home | Housing

Inlinea Professional

Project for your Business


discover projects carried out

Portfolio Imersivo

Visite alguns projetos em 360º.

atelier de projeto

Arquitetura | Design de Interiores

inlinea design center

Centro de desenho e protótipo, de artigos de mobiliário e decoração, coleção de autor premium.

3D visualization

Visualization process of hyper-realistic 3D, photo or video projects.

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30 min.


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O seu conforto é a nossa preocupação.

Obrigado! Sera contactado brevemente.

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